Thursday, September 8, 2011



Lg. bowl
Lg. spoon
Cast iron skillet and lid or foil cover
Spatula or tongs

1 lb. hamburger
1/2 cup breadcrumbs (Italian) or cracker crumbs
1/3 cup parmesan cheese
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. nutmeg (optional)
1 lg. egg
1 tbsp. Italian seasoning
1 tbsp. parsley (optional)
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup oil for frying
1 tsp. garlic powder

1.  Mix hamburger, crumbs, egg, cheese and seasonings.

2.  Form into 2 inch balls. Heat oil in skillet.  Fry in oil on medium.   As each
     side get brown, turn it with your spatula or tongs, until the whole meatball
     is brown.  Turn heat to low.

3.  Add water, cover and simmer for another 10  to 20 minutes until the meat
     is no longer pink in the middle.

SERVES:  2-6

SERVING HINTS:   Cut meatball in half, sprinkle with extra parmesan cheese
                                 and serve as a sandwich.  Freeze what you don't use.  You
                                 can use them later for spaghetti.

                                  If you don't want to fry the meatballs you can put them on
                                  a foil lined cookie sheet and bake them for an hour at 350
                                 degrees.  (This hint is not in the cookbook.)

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