Friday, September 2, 2011



Oven to 350 degrees
Lg. bowl
Lg. spoon
Foil lined cookie sheet
Spatula or fork

1 box of cake mix (your favorite: lemon, strawberry, or chocolate)
2 eggs
1/2 cup vegetable oil
Icing in a can (any flavor you like)

1.  Mix first 3 ingredients, mix well

2.  Place mixture by spoonfuls on foil lined cookie sheet about 1 1/2 inches apart

3.  Bake for 7-9 minutes, poke a toothpick in one cookie, if it comes out clean
         they are done

4.  Cool, cover with icing and store in an airtight plastic container.

SERVES:  4 to 6  (makes 30 3inch cookies, you can make them smaller.

SERVING HINTS:  You could add nuts or raisens to the batter, if you like]
                    or a splash of vanilla extract.  You could also use a tub of icing
                    of a different flavor then the cookies.  (Strawberry cookies &
                    chocolate icing or vice versa).  Or if you have jam or jelly you
                    could put a spoonful on the top of each cookie.  For you
                    peanut butter lovers you can ice them with peanut butter.

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