My intention for this blog is to help college students and singles learn how to cook great meals, what utensils they will need and how to save money.  When my granddaughter started college she had very little knowledge about cooking, planning meals, what pans to use, how to organize her kitchen or how to make a weekly menu and grocery list.  That is when I wrote my cookbook (SO NOW YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN...#A COOKBOOK FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND SINGLES).   The blog will include many recipes from my cookbook, new recipes, helpful hints, how to make out weekly menus and shopping lists.

In my cookbook I explain how they can take one pound of hamburger and make one to four meals out of it.  They will also learn how to take chuck roast, ham steak or pork roast and do the same thing.  The great thing for them is that they only need three pans to make any meal in the cookbook.


As I expand the blog I will expand each page.

Hopefully I will get some feedback to make the blog better and better.

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